
@JvmName(name = "updateSubscriptionsForParticipants")
fun updateSubscriptions(forParticipants: Map<ParticipantId, Update<SubscriptionSettingsUpdate>>, listener: RequestListener? = null)
@JvmName(name = "updateSubscriptionsForParticipantsWithProfiles")
fun updateSubscriptions(forParticipantsWithProfiles: Map<SubscriptionProfile, Update<SubscriptionSettingsUpdate>>, listener: RequestListener? = null)

fun updateSubscriptions(forParticipants: Map<ParticipantId, Update<SubscriptionSettingsUpdate>>, forParticipantsWithProfiles: Map<SubscriptionProfile, Update<SubscriptionSettingsUpdate>>, listener: RequestListener? = null)

Configure how (or if) to subscribe to remote media tracks. Settings can be specified per-participant (either an existing or future participant), or on a per-participant-profile basis. One built-in profile is provided (base), and you may create your own profiles using updateSubscriptionProfiles.

Note that the profiles themselves are unchanged by updateSubscriptions, but the given settings will apply to all participants which are using that profile.

Participant-specific settings take precedence over settings defined by a participant's profile.

Also, updates performed using the forParticipantsWithProfiles parameter are applied before those performed using the forParticipants parameter. This means that if a participant is affected by changes in both forParticipantsWithProfiles and forParticipants, the changes in forParticipants will be applied last and therefore will take precedence.

The optional callback (listener) will be invoked either when the operation has completed, or if it encounters an error.

Errors will also be provided to the CallClientListener.onError callback.



Per-participant overrides


Per-profile overrides